This post's a little shout out to my hometown boy
Renan Ozturk, who quite possibly has the best job in the world. He gets paid and fully-outfitted to go on multi-month international climbing expeditions courtesy of
The North Face and post short film dispatches along the way. Apparently he's got some incredible climbing skills. So good, in fact, that recent years have found him sending first ascents in Nepal, Patagonia, and Pakistan, to name a few. I think a certain amount of brand loyalty is implied, but overall it seems to be the best deal going right now. I'm starting to look into such arrangements for myself, and am wondering if they're looking for any moderately-skilled telemark skiiers to travel the globe, drink beer, make turns, and do the film thing. I have yet to find any takers.
Anyway, to get to the point, check out his blog:
Vertical Carnival Dispatches.
There you'll find over a dozen dispatches from his recent expedition in South America, with everything from Patagonia climbs to Rio de Janiero slacklines. Pretty inspiring footage.
Also, when not climbing and walking slacklines, Renan makes some amazing art. See below. And check out his website at
Rock Monkey Art. Word.