Food news... I posted about these guys many moons opening a spot in NYC with many cafes already serving this godlike bev. Here is a great article with the founder, Duane...
NBA update...have not had one of these since the playoffs started...shots from
KG: "ARRRGGGRRRSTERIODSGGGRRAAHHH!!!" BG: (softly) "It hurts when you yell..."
Woodson: " can really suck sometimes, do you know that?"
Voted APT's "Top Squad" of the playoffs so points though the roof...
Pop: "Sometimes you eat the bar..."
PE: "It's ok...I could never lead my team either..."
My pal Jen dropped this link on me after learning of my new haircut and in response to my musings about her husband's Abe Lincoln Beard. Her good natured ribbing was much deserved and the site is inspiring, if not altogether hilarious. It is in better taste than Passed Out Wookies, while just snarky enough to soothe the inner Capote.
Think Maine College of Art students shopping at Hot Topic in a Lewiston mall with some help from David Bowie.
And, just in case you think the 'hawk is passe, check out my man Von Wafer. Nice look, slick game.
Via LA from Roomie's little brother...OG version is below...
Take some advice from this guy... “ Never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese." Coach Finstock
The official song for this years NBA playoffs has been announced. "Amazing" by Kanye West. Mr. Hip-Hop cum Emo autotune lover scores yet another coup. I don't know, for me it's meh, not such a great song but it goes well with all the Lebron highlights....
Too harsh? Perhaps. Obviously it is easy to take shots at small, bald, celebs, who seem to take themselves too seriously. But for now, all is absolved. Why? Peep this fun collaboration with director cum animator David Lynch.
Dr. D brought the realness in a way APT has rarely seen. Well done. The amputee shots still have me a bit shook. To balance out our attempts at social responsibilities...cue Drunk Santa, Bathroom Sex, Inter-Racial Fling, Stringer Bell, and Beyonce Knowles!
And for Roomie...keep up with your favorite lady over at The Onion's A.V. Club.
Although the civil war in Sierra Leone ended six years ago, its legacy lives on in the lives of all affected. Thousands died at the hands of both the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) and the Sierra Leone Armed Forces, who were fighting more over power and economic resources (diamonds) than any political ideology. Unfortunately, it was also a war fought more by children than the men behind the motives.
One such child soldier is Ishmael Beah, who has not only survived and rehabilitated from his years fighting in the war, but has set out to make it his life work to end the use of child soldiers worldwide. Now living in NYC, Beah reps for UNICEF and Human Rights Watch, touring the world to share his experience. Additionally, in 2006 he published his story in a wonderful memoir entitled A Long Way Gone. It's a powerful read for students of all ages interested in broadening their horizons and keeping their own troubles in perspective.
Dr. D just finished reading this one with his sophomores, who for the most part found it fascinating. Talk about eye-opening! More middle and high school aged students need to be reading stuff like this.
To follow it up, before carrying on to the next unit, I dropped some relevant film on their young minds. VH1's Bling: A Planet Rock is a documentary featuring Ishmael Beah, who travels back to Sierra Leone after ten years living in the USA. The catch it that he brings a few guests, including APT Hall-of-Fame emcee Raekwon from the Wu-Tang Clan. Respect. Additionally in tow is the diamond grill-master himself, Paul Wall, and reggaeton icon Tego Calderon. Scope the trailer:
Basically, in addition to the story of Ishmael's return, the film chronicles the backstory behind America's obsession with bling; the reality behind our obsession with diamonds and the myth that diamonds represent love and success. In reality, as most of us at APT know, diamonds carry a history, and in some cases that history involves blood and conflict. The effect that this travel experience has on the artists is profound, and one can only hope that their eye-opening experience can serve as an example to others.
Check out both the book and the film as you look for things to do this spring. And if you live in the Portland area, Ishmael Beah will be speaking from 7-9pm at USM this upcoming Tuesday, April 14th. It's free and sure to be informative, a must-see for those concerned with human rights and their fellow man. Bring a friend. Bring your kids. Word. I'll meet you there with 50 teens from Saco.
Spring time and the West End rides are back out...
...this is the Volkswagen Type grandfather had one of these...he used have me sit on my suitcase in the front seat so I could see out the window...I have not seen one of these up close in at least 25 years, so you could imagine how excited I was to be able to get some shots to share...West End forever...
In other news, RnB Jam of the week...I've already worn this out plenty...rim shot beat is summer money...
Have you been wondering what those fat cats from AIG, Lehman Brothers, and Citigroup are doing with your hard earned tax dollars? Samberg and the crew from Lonely Island drop an SNL digital short to bring some light to this most controversial issue.
In other news, did anyone catch the State-Uconn game? It was a war. While I have been a lifelong fan of the Heels, I am fully backing Mr. Summers and Michigan State. Flint in the house!
Jeff Mills...the father of techno...not my fav genre, but if you can make it through all 5 parts of this impressive mix, you'll see why he's got the title...stand up, Detroit!
Catch up with the latest ins and outs of our Greater Portland Indie Rock scene at You might recognize the name, taken from this Phantom Buffalo track. Stop by and read about all things tight sweater and old corduroy.
So, did you know that this Friday some crazy kids are going to perform live music (Lady Lamb, pictured below has already graced the stage) out of their windows while you stumble around Art Walk? Hell yeah. They call it Tower of Sound. Consider it a sonic batman climbing upon the city's rooftops to whisper sweet hell into your ears.
Or, are you prepared to have your heart (and perhaps your loins) torn from where they sit. Come May, Sweden's The Sounds will be dropping into town for a show at Port City Music Hall. Watch the video below to get a taste.
Needless to say the disco-punk songstress is a siren (the comparison to Debbie Harry is obvious) and HillyTown's website is all that. Now where is my leather jump suit and eye make-up.