I know I been heavy on the film tip lately but...
Big Brother and Lil' Sister didn't like it (Lil' Sis walked out) but anyone out there see 3:10 to Yuma up in this piece? Another 08 fave of Rommie @ APT...
...caught this for a second time on the plane back from London yesterday...Bale and Crowe are great as always, but Ben Foster is the sh*t in this flick. You're familiar with him...he played Russel in Six Feet Under...Claire Fisher's (Lauren Ambrose) f'ed up boyfriend...
Shout out to Ambrose as well...red hair...holla.
I have yet to see Eastern Promises of 310. I would love to though. Don't Look Back is at the top of the list currently and it has just dropped into the Movies on Exchange. Which should get some run on this site soon.
Fuck I meant Eastern Promises or 310. When you date a writer you have to correct this shit or else cosmically they know. Thus constantly being reminded of how horrible average one can be at scrabble.
Horribly average. Double Fuck!
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