Friday, August 15, 2008

Baracky II

My wife loves Rocky II. It is her favorite Stallone movie. No Rambo. No Cobra. No Deathrace 2000. No Rhinestone (my personal fav). Rocky II. Fine.

She has seen it like 142 times and can pretty much recite it verbatim. Not only does my girl love some Rocky, she also has a serious Obama thing. In fact she dropped into a week long funk when she briefly thought Hillary stood a chance and muttered things like "I might just vote for McCain if Hillary wins."

Fortunately we survived that scare. Baby, for you, I drop this treat.


The Drizzle said...

I am totally voting for this Stallone guy.

Anonymous said...

My lady told me that those clips are from Rocky III which she feels is actually better than II. Which I feel is a solid call simply for Hulk Hogan and JAmes Brown and the scene where Micky gets beat down (unintentionaly comedy to the max).

King Roomie Rock said...

I was actually going to point this out as well...

Also, Hogan is in III but JB is in IV. Livin' in America...eye to eye...station to to have a celebration!

Anonymous said...

And don't forget the robot Rock gives Paulie for Christmas! Sets the tone for the whole film . . . brilliant.