Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Blogs White People Like

This may have been linked to on 'Live from APT' before, but if so, it's just an indication that the folks at APT find this blog rather humorous. Some fav entries: #84 T-shirts, #71 Being the Only White Person Around & #70 Difficult Break-ups.

I propose entry #90 to be a rather meta- "This Blog". #91? "The Post Modern"


King Roomie Rock said...

Check the comment section...best post from my boy Wicks:

on January 23, 2008 at 3:17 pm1 Wicks
You’re a c*nt and your blogs sucks.

Anonymous said...

This is an excellent find...dinner parties, performance clothes, the idea of soccer!!!!!! This is amazing. Well done Roomie.

Celts punked the Rockets...just come out and say it, they are the best team in the NBA..I dare you. If they beat the Mavs....that will be 3-0 in the Bermuda Triangle...believe it!


King Roomie Rock said...

No joke...Smeltics got the force... They roll Dork Nowitzki and then Shaq next week, they can go on cruise control...

Cavs/Pistons tonight...NCAA tourney starts tomorrow...

Oh, and check this: